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A member registered May 17, 2022

Recent community posts

te he srry i havent benn on lol

not my best are but yk lol srry i havent posted in a month i have been bussy and working on stuff / question of the month /do you like the warrior cats books if so whats your fav charector/mine is bright heart


it is 1:16 rn so this one was kind of lazy :3

i will post weekly if that is posibal i hope yall like my room of the week

i think this was outside of the box if you know what i mean

when i started this game i saw this and this was my insperation tysm

you have to go to the swich butten and put the item on it press and then drag

i finally got back on here and i think i did a nice job on this i eaven used the books as sushi i hope you guys like this 

this is 3 months later and i cant belive i made this